Where do we find balance as moms?
When and where can we recharge?
Where is our peace? Our piece of heaven? Ninety Nine percent of the time I find it hard to read a post without being interrupted at least a hundred times. That said, when I put the music on my kids and I dance and praise God together!!! There is nothing like a good dance session to recharge my batteries, fill my soul, lift my hands to the sky and see Jesus! When I drive in my car, no matter where I’m going, I pray and praise God. When I wait in the car for dancing to finish, or for the music lesson to end, I read on my phone! There are so many apps that are just awesome! I find time and I make time because I can only get what I need from God! Not my kids, my husband nor my friends can give me what He can, and with Him I find peace in my chaos, my messed-up schedule, my broken routines and sleepless nights, the unplanned situations and circumstances. Real joy can only be enjoyed with a heart filled with Jesus, I'm not perfect and I never will be, but my God is! He has made my life perfect by blessing me with four amazing kids and I only want to strive to always enjoy them and to enjoy life in this world we live in today.
Psalm 1:1-3 promises that if we "delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night," then we will be filled with joy and we will be prosperous because we will bear fruit in every life season.