I'm really being challenged at the moment as a mom. It feels like I have 100 children with 300 different schedules. As the year continues in grade 1 I realize more what it actually means to have 4 children in less than 5 years. All their different personalities, needs and activities. How do we get to every need and make sure we do it right?
As soon as I feel like I can take a breath while swimming in the sea, the next wave comes over my head, my feet loosing the ground and I am being tumbled and taken by surprise. It's like I know how to swim but that's not the problem, I don't know the sea. Does anyone really know the forces of the deep blue sea?
I'm not going to sit here and complain, I just want to tell you how overwhelmed I am by school, schedules, lifestyle, being a mom, being a wife and ultimately trying to always stay ahead. It's almost impossible because you never know when the next wave will hit!
I believe I'm not the only mom that feels overwhelmed and under a lot of pressure.
Dealing with these daily challenges is no joke and then on top of everything have it all under control because if you are out of control so is everything else in the house.
I really am getting to the point where I'm thinking this motto "take one day at a time" is worth living by, because we just can't keep it up otherwise.
So from tomorrow I will start and try again. One day at a time, one step in front of the other and of cause my God holding my hand, because without Him I don't want to face this world. Without Him I can't do this job the way I'm suppose to. With God I can take on any wave and any force of life! As long as it is with His power and His help!
I want to get to the end of the day and not feel drained but energized and look back on my day and say, "it was a good day!" I have to get this right, I want to get this right. For myself and for my family.