Music for my SoulI've been wanting to share this with you for a while now but just couldn't get down to it. Nevertheless here we go, my "uplifting #momplaylist." This is what I listen to when I'm home alone and feel defeated or overwelmed, when I need to refuel and fill my cup. I sing with and use what ever I can find as a microphone, you might even catch me dancing.Note these songs, they are truly uplifting.
The Messengers - MagnifyThis song brings me hope in times of dispare. It lifts me to a place where I know I believe in a God of Grace, a God that adores me. It reminds me to keep my eyes focused on Him and to MAGNIFY His existence.Nothing in life is bigger than Him. Nothing is too big for Him.
Jesus Culture - Sing my name.This song make me feel like a child again. When I hear it, I want to jump, scream, dance, sing.... He brings the joy in my life. Pure joy! Real joy. Inner joy. She sings... "He burns right through me," and He does. I might be small in comparison to the universe, but He sees me.My happy song!!!!
The Loft Sessions - Matt Stinton - This is what You do.I absolutely love this song. Again when I hear it I just want to dance and praise God. All things with God is awesome and when He is by your side nothing can prevail. God makes me come alive. He makes me what I am. I want more of Him and when I listen to this song I get a spiritual hunger that only He can fullfil.
Bethel - This is Amazing Grace.I just adore this song. It puts me in a position of awe... how awesome is the God we serve. I lift my arms to the sky and I feel gratitude. Everything He's done for me, everything He does for me. He is an awesome God, but what makes this even more beautiful is that I am His.
Bryan and Katie Torwalt - Holy SpiritThis song carries so much power. When I hear it, I believe it. He is my living hope. He's my strength. God is everywhere, I long for Him. Every day, every moment.... I can't live without Him. Without Him I know I won't, I can't survive.