November, 18th
Live life like it's your last day.
We lost my father in-law this year and it was one of the hardest things we had to endure. The pain of knowing that you will never see someone ever again, it's not easy. Forever he won't be apart of birthday's and Christmas celebrations, he will never knock on my door again, he will never tell me a life story again, I'll never get to pour him a juice again or spoil him with a donut. The time God borrowed him to us has come to an end, but although we miss him dearly and always find ourselves looking for his presence, we lived life to the full with him. We made the most out of our time together and the time invested when he was with us is now living forth in our hearts.
I feel strong about making the most out of every day. Every moment is given but at the same time we are living on borrowed time. We don't know when the hourglass will run out, so live a good solid life, making each moment count because tomorrow might never come. One of my favorite golden oldies are "If tomorrow never comes," by Ronan Keating. Such true words.
James 4:14 - Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. (NIV) Don't worry about tomorrow, make the most of today. Celebrate today and give thanks for every sunrise and every moonlight. I am thankful that I understand not to take time for granted.
November, 19th
Celebrate your birthday.
I absolutely love my birthday.
Well to me it's a huge celebration, not because of the gifts and extra attention, but because I know God has given me another 365 days to breath, to be a mom, to be a wife, he blessed me with time. I celebrate my life, my gift on this day. It's my day.
I've come across way to many people that calls their birthday "just another day," it makes me sad because it's not just another day. It's a special, a day to celebrate life.
We celebrated my husband's birthday yesterday with family and it was incredible to see all our kids play, we ate and connected, celelbrating his life, giving thanks for the huge blessing, another 365 days. God is good. I'm thankful every year to celebrate this day with my husband, to know that he was borrowed to me for another year and that God has given us more time to be one. With every birthday in our big family (they were 5 kids so when we are all together we are about 24 people) we celebrate big, we get together and we appreciate another year given to us.
Psalm 91:11 - Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. See life as a birthday gift from God and find joy in that celelbration as age is nothing but a number but time is something we can't control or plan.
