The 5 AM Club
This Will Put You In a Category of History Makers. The four focuses of the great history makers.
The greatest people are not defined by their greatest talent but by the extent to which they capitalise.
Freedom from distraction is key. Focus, simplify and concentrate, becoming a purist.
The power of day stacking, which means that small things done daily are more important than big things done once in a while.
Personal mastery practice.
Master yourself
Your mindset is just one of four interior empires. He explains how we can't just work on our mindsets. He makes sure that we understand the importance of our heart-set, health-set and soul-set. Master yourself completely.
Heart-set is your emotional life and wellbeing. Health-set is your physical life, optimal fitness. Soul-set is your spirituality. It was these four important aspects that motivated the 20 20 20 formula. He explains these four interior empires in detail and makes it easy to understand why it is so important in our daily lives.
The 20 20 20 Formula They left Mauritius and went to Rome. The 20 20 20 formula makes sure that waking up at 5 am, generates incredible results. He explains how we can transform our productivity and optimise each day by rising early, long before the rest of the world does. To master your life you start by owning your morning.
20 Minutes to move
20 Minutes to reflect
20 Minutes to grow He explains how each one of these categories makes a difference not only physically but mentally and with inspirations.