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A girls guide: Pooperty is not that bad

Hey guys, I've got some exciting news to share! I just finished writing my latest book, "Pooperty is not that Bad," and I can't wait for it to arrive at my doorstep.


This book is a fun and easy-to-understand guide that helps young girls navigate the changes and challenges of puberty. It covers everything from self-care to menstruation and provides accurate and age-appropriate information to help girls understand what's happening to their bodies.


The word "pooperty" is a term my family coined to keep the subject light and happy at home. We believe in finding the fun in everything, even the more challenging things in life. The book also offers tips on how to cope with emotions, take care of oneself, and communicate with parents. So, get ready to dive into a world where "pooperty" isn't so bad after all!

A girls guide: Pooperty is not that bad

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