It’s fifteen months later since I wrote this post, was so nice to read it again. I did exactly what I said I was going to do. Our bathroom wall has become our masterpiece of faith, even the kids have joined in and give us little pictures to put on the wall. It’s become a family project in the house, and although the papers are all curled over on the ends from all the steam, this wall is my pride and joy.
Wall of faith.
I want to try something new, well it's not new, I'm sure somewhere in this world someone has done it but its going to be for me in a way.
I am going to make the entire wall around my bathroom mirror an inspirational wall. It might not be classy and it might not suite "the latest look" according to style, but I am going to do it! I am going to make a scrap wall! My wall!
I find when things are in a book, it's good and it's down on paper and noted but the problem is we close that book and pack it on a shelf. If we don't see our dreams and destinations everyday, we don't think about it every day, so we kind of know it's there but it is packed away. I feel that it is important to visualize everyday where we are on our way too and keep our focus on God! The "how, when and where" is not important, the important part is that we get there! If we see it every day, we can pray it every day, believe for it every day and live for it every day!
I'm going to call it my wall of faith. The new International Version bible says in Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. But listen to what the New Heart English Bible says and I love love love this version. It describes faith down to the finest detail. Hebrews 11:1, Now faith is being CONFIDENT of what we hope for, CONVINCED about things we do not see. This verse makes me so excited!
When I read this verse I feel like moving to MY dream house tomorrow, driving there in MY red Ferrari with a chef waiting in the kitchen FOR ME, a stress free successful life, marriage, children and future next to a perfect beach with turquoise water and the perfect temperature! No school, no pressure, no rush, no judgement, no one that dislikes me, nothing that can harm me or my family, just my own perfect paradise! This verse goes that big!
It doesn't say limit what you hope for, it doesn't say put boundaries around what you hope for, no the word CONFIDENT was used! And if we confident we go bold! So my wall of faith will be full of boldness and confidence and I am going to make it mine! (Well ours 😉) The word CONVINCED was also used and I love it! If we don't believe it, who will? Be convinced where you are on your way and be convinced that God is going to take you there!
Why the bathroom mirror wall? Well my husbands theory for the last at least 7 years is to read his favorite verses while brushing his teeth. So I'm thinking praying with confidence and boldness while brushing teeth, doing make up, hair..... And in my case I have a bonus because our toilet faces that very same wall, so I'll get double time. 😂 it could be pretty much any wall that you see where you are not really busy with your mind. A wall/door/space where you can put your focus on God!!
I haven't been this excited about something for a long time! I'm going to make a huge red tick on all my prayers answered and be aware of the way my God answers prayers and takes time to listen to me. If He says all we need is faith as big as a mustard seed, well then I feel like I better start practicing to move those mountains. Best part is, His dreams and His vision is so much bigger than ours! Man this is exciting stuff! Matthew 17:20 says: "because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.
I am excited to get creative and busy to change our bathroom wall into a masterpiece of art called FAITH ❤️
I don’t drive a red Ferrari as yet and I’m still cooking, but I have faith and my wall helps me to keep it exactly where it needs to be.
